Who Benefits?

My Greenboard is a win-win-win solution for you, your friends & family and the organizations and businesses you promote.

You benefit by:

  • Making a difference by advocating for the organizations you choose.

  • Meeting like-minded people who are passionate about making the world a better place.

  • Earning commissions on sales generated (where organizations have chosen to offer a commission).

  • Choosing your level of involvement, from a simple presence to a more involved effort, there is space for all levels of participation.

  • Adding job skills to your resume.  As an advocate using My Greenboard you: run your own Web page, generate referrals and sales, analyze results to develop your marketing skills, define your sales strategy, and make presentations.  If you customize your About Me page and background photos, you gain experience with graphic design and content creation.  If you help an organization to create content for an ad, you demonstrate one or more of: composition, graphic design, video creation/editing.  And if you work with a team of advocates, you develop team building and leadership skills.

  • Creating opportunities to be noticed by potential employers.  Advocates who generate the most traffic, sales and/or donations for a specific organization may be approached by that organization to see if a direct working relationship may be established.

Your friends & family benefit by:

  • Using their purchasing power to create a dignified life for workers worldwide, and to provide a sustainable environment for future generations.

  • Connecting with like-minded people.

  • Learning from you about healthy consumer choices.

  • Receiving coupons, when offered, by organizations you promote.

The businesses you promote benefit by:

  • Growing their consumer base.

  • Developing tools to understand and better serve their market.

  • Meeting new customers, expanding their network and sharing knowledge on healthy purchase choices.

Advocating for organizations with social and environmental missions can be a source of pride that defines the way we choose to live our lives. It is a way of recognizing and protecting the dignity of people around the world, and in so doing, of reaffirming our own dignity. Signing-up for a My Greenboard website provides a reliable means of tracking this activity and of occasionally earning commissions in the process. Our consumer choices demonstrate our ability as a society to promote a better world. The market system can work for the common good.  We have the power of choice.


To sign-up now, click here.